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Monday, 15 November 2010


In theory, the people who lived here should have had very short life spans. They had so little to protect them. Fortunately for them, there were still a few people who took it upon themselves to keep these places safe. The companies didn't come here, and the undead wouldn't stray this far from their territory. Few people actually chose to be here and those that did quickly found themselves under the rules of the self appointed guardians. The different Guardians took approaches as an individual as themselves. In some places you were left in no doubt as to who the Guardian was. Here however, the Guardian, whoever it was, kept a much lower profile.

Ghost and Amber relaxed slightly. This was one of the safer places for them to be right now, at least as much as any place was. Steadily they made their way to the church. It wasn't that old by church standards, only 100 years or so. It had been built by the local people brick by brick. Ghost had grown up around here and had always found it a comforting place. Amber on the other hand, really didn't like churches, they made her uneasy. There was something different about this place though. For some reason she felt safe here. She suspected part of the reason for this was standing over by the statue tending to the flowers. Gideon calmly looked up as they approached him. It was hard to tell his age. He was one of those people who somehow managed to contain a spark of childlike glee within an old soul. Many people were either religious or spiritual. For Gideon there was no contradiction between the two. No one was entirely sure what he did. He seemed to spend all his time here. Cleaning, tidying, tending the garden; he was almost a part of the place.

Gideon turned to face them and smiled. “It went well?” he asked.

Ghost nodded. “There were ghouls, but not too many. If there is anything else there it kept quiet.”

Gideon’s green eyes twinkled “Sounds like a good beginning. When are you planning on going back?”

Ghost paused, “Well I’ll have to think about it for a bit. There's still quite a lot of that place to explore. And of course things might change in the meantime. For now, I was planning on catching some sleep.”

“Of course,” Gideon replied “though when you are rested, Silver sent a message asking to see you.”
