
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53

Monday, 22 November 2010


Around mid morning they rose. There were different times to do different things. When it came to visiting Silver, it seemed that she was up all hours of day and night anyway so they could go pretty much when they chose… As they walked, keeping to the roads which were in a reasonable state of repair, Amber commented that the world seemed safer in the daylight. Ghost gave her a half-smile, it was a dangerous illusion but he wasn’t about to dampen her spirits. Many people were instinctively more trusting during the day than in the middle of the night. But it was all a matter of context; those who learnt this didn't trust any stranger they met on the road, no matter what.

Silver had claimed an old park. There had been a great number of people who’d disputed her claim. And yet somehow she managed to retain her place there. As they got nearer, Ghost and Amber saw increasing signs of vegetation and wildlife. Nature was slowly taking back what had been taken from her. Despite the feeling of being watched they passed through the old southern gates and made their way to the lake in the centre of the park. Squirrels chattered at them, whilst ducks paraded proudly around. Silver was waiting patiently for them under an old oak tree, it's gnarled and twisted limbs in stark contrast to her figure. Ghost pretended that he hadn't seen Amber arch her back slightly and take a deep breath filling her chest.

“And I suppose this is what passes for morning for you two?” Silver’s singsong voice teased.

“Morning? What is this morning of which you speak?” Ghost smiled back.

“Ah it is a beautiful sight, maybe someday you'll witness it,” Silver grinned.

“I saw the night, I saw the sun come up. I see it's still up. What more is there?” Ghost’s eyes shone playfully.

Amber coughed.

“Here have some tea. It'll help ease that irritating cough,” Silver said innocently and handed them both a cup of hot, fresh herbal tea and then started to sip her own. “There’s honey if you'd care for some.”

They both helped themselves; honey was not the easiest of things to come by. They quietly enjoyed their tea and watched swans chasing each other around the lake.

“So, there’s a small matter I was hoping you would help me with,” Silver began.

Ghost smiled. One of Silver’s better qualities was that she simply spoke her mind. He nodded to her to go on.

“I need something recovered from that decaying wreck of a shopping mall. A CD to be precise. It's called ‘Summers Day’ and was recorded by Elise Stevens.”

“A CD? Does anyone still have anything that will play those any more?” Amber asked, surprised.

“Fortunately between pack rats and technomancers, it looks like something might be accomplished. To be honest, my eyes glazed over when it was explained to me in mind numbing detail. But it's very important so I endured the trivialities.” Silver absentmindedly stroked the grass with her hand.

“I don't recognise the name,” Ghost reflected “but then that doesn't surprise me. When I was younger the racks were always filled with CDs by people I’d never heard of. Is there anything else we should know?”

Silver stared at him intently for a moment “I'm sure there’s a great many things you should know,” then the stare broke into smiles “but nothing specific to this. You can however, leave the park by the library. That’ll put you in almost spitting distance. And don't worry whether anyone sees you leave or return. In fact, once you've got the CD, feel free to run straight back. As soon as you cross back into my park you’ll be safe.”

It was an unusual offer, both Ghost and Amber recognised this, so the CD was either very important or Silver wasn't planning on having it here for very long. Still, no one liked inviting trouble back home. This CD must mean a lot to her.
